The Truth Behind Luxury Hotel Price Tags
Look, lets get this out of the way. No, its not worth it. If you are looking to purchase a clean bed, in a central location accessible to all your day trips, somewhere that has security and you won't be mugged, you can find that in every location in the world for not more than $300.
If you're a pragmatist, and your trip is planned out on a big spreadsheet, with not one jot or tittle out of place - don't bother. Stick with the Ramada or Holiday Inn.
But if you are a romantic - and sitting at a hotel bar that is 100 years old, hearing legends of the days of yore from a bartender of indeterminate age yet full of ineffable wisdom is your idea of paradise - read on.
The best hotels in the world are living breathing history books that grow and expand over time, imbued by the memories of past guests, shaped by the currents of world events, uplifted by the efforts of their dedicated staff and the fresh energy of new arrivals.
Staying in these iconic properties and interweaving your stories with their own, is a waste of money like owning a Picasso is a waste of money. Like buying a Ferrari instead of a Toyota is a waste of money.
One way you can gauge a Hotel's influence on world events and fashion, is to know which iconic cocktail was invented there and when! Here are three of my favourites:

Of course, if you are a guest with Priority One, we will ensure you have a VIP treatment package when booking any of these hotels, thanks to our connections within the industry. You will not be treated the same as everyone else booking online. To find out which included extras are available at specific hotels, contact us.